4 Weeks Pregnant

Pregnancy – What development in the baby and mother happens during Weeks 4?

As the implantation has taken place during week 3, in the fourth week of pregnancy the blastocyst will get divided into different layers of cells, these cells will now convert into the embryo and placenta.

The placenta and embryo will later transform themselves into a fetus. The baby will be called a fetus until he or she is born.

The embryo is made up of two kinds of layers; one of them is called hypoblast, while the other one is referred to as epiblast.

The function of both these two layers is totally different from each other.

Responsibilities of the hypoblast:

1 – Yolk sac formation to provide nutrients to the fetus.

2 – Formation of extraembryonic mesoderm which will provide the required support to the yolk sac, it is also responsible for proper blood supply to the fetus.

Responsibilities of the epiblast:

The epiblast is made up of three different layers, the ectoderm, the endoderm, and the mesoderm.

1 – The ectoderm is responsible for the development of the nervous system, the hairs, and the skin tissues of the fetus.

2 – The endoderm is responsible for the development of the thyroid, the pancreas, the liver, and the gastrointestinal tracts of the fetus.

3 – The mesoderm is responsible for the development of the urogenital system, the skeleton, the connective tissues, the muscles, and the bloodstreams in the fetus.

During this week, the placental cells get attached to the linings in the uterus, the uterus linings are responsible for providing the fetus with enough oxygen and other nutrients for its proper growth, and they will also provide the growing embryo with proper blood supply.

4 week pregnant image

What kind of development is taking place in the mother during Week 4 of Pregnancy?

As the mother’s body is now also aiding in the development of the baby, the volume of her blood supply will increase to support the baby. For the extra blood production and supply to the baby, a mother’s kidneys have to perform at higher levels.

The need to urinate frequently happens because the kidneys are now working at a faster pace.

A mother’s heart is also under pressure as it has to pump more blood during pregnancy, as the body parts are under pressure to aid the development of the baby, it is normal to feel tired and fatigued all the time.

After the implantation, the levels of HCG, estrogen, and progesterone also increase in the body; this can cause various kinds of symptoms and issues in different women.

What kind of Tests and Scans can be used to detect Pregnancy during Week 4?

In most cases, the increased levels of HCG in the urine sample will confirm the pregnancy by using home-based kits available at most medical stores. In a few cases, these kits will provide negative results if the HCG levels are at low levels.

The fetus is still too small (around 1 mm diameter in total) to be detected by ultrasound scans, but doctors can confirm the pregnancy when they find the growth of the amniotic sac in your belly, the heartbeat of the growing baby cannot be still felt during week 4.

What kind of Signs and Symptoms a Pregnant woman feels at Week 4?

Although there have been a lot of hormonal changes in the body, a small number of pregnant women may still not feel any kind of symptoms even during the fourth week of pregnancy.

But most of them will experience symptoms like:

1 – Missed period, after getting pregnant the menstrual cycle stops for the duration of the pregnancy.

2 – Lack of appetite or food cravings.

3 – Abdominal or lower back pain.

4 – Increased body temperature, commonly also referred to as hot flashes.

5 – Difficult in proper breathing.

6 – Increased sensitivity to different kinds of smells.

7 – Spotting or low levels of vaginal discharge.

8 – Feeling of Nausea and Dizziness.

9 – Problems related to gas and bloating.

10 – Sudden changes in mood.

11 – Softness in the breasts.

12 – Heartburn and headache are also common during this phase of pregnancy.

13- The pregnant woman may also suffer from morning sickness, or feel like vomiting.

14 – Bloating may also result in a swollen belly.

Serious condition when you should immediately consult a Doctor.

The above-mentioned issues are common with most pregnancies; however, there are a few things you should take care of. In the case of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage, the symptoms will intensify and cause a lot of discomforts.

Reach a doctor immediately if you are experiencing any of the below-mentioned issues:

1 – High Fever

2 – Unbearable pain in the lower abdomen, either side.

3 – Problems with your vision, like not having clarity or difficulty in concentrating when looking at things.

4 – Increased bleeding from the vagina, it may be due to a miscarriage.

Healthy Pregnancy (Week 4) – What to keep in mind?

1 – Avoid all kinds of drugs, alcohol, and smoking during your pregnancy.

2 – Get a proper diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for good health, as your body is now providing for two people you need to eat more healthy foods like green vegetables, citrus fruits, and take supplements that are advised by your doctor.

3 – Get an appointment with a doctor and consult about your condition, the doctor may take some tests to find issues that can create problems during the pregnancy. Also, tell the doctor if you are on some kind of medication, some kind of medicines and drugs should not be taken while you are pregnant.

4 – According to your weight and BMI, take the proper amount of folic acid supplements, they are very necessary for the proper growth of the nervous system of the baby developing in your belly.

5 – Do soft exercises and stretching, this will keep your body well toned, and also help with maintaining proper weight during pregnancy. Women who do regular exercises also feel less pain and trouble while giving birth to the baby. So prepare yourself right from the start.

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